Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cognitive Dissonance, Demonization and Anti-tribalism in Software Development

Here are the notes and links to the media for the "Cognitive Dissonance, Demonization and Anti-tribalism in Software Development" talk I gave on February 15th, 2011 at Eden Development. At Eden, we host Tuesday Talks on both technical and non-technical aspects of development and other interesting stuff. Please follow @edentalks for more information.

Part I: Viewing of PBS Frontline's "A Class Divided"

This is a classic documentary about an inspired teacher in a small town in Iowa teaching her students a lesson on discrimination. It's well worth watching independent of my talk because of it's message and quality, but it is an important way to "prime the pump" for part II.

You can view the program via the following URL. Note: if you do not want to watch the entire program, feel free to stop watching at the point she repeats the experiment with the adults at the prison (you will know what this means when you see it).

Part II: Cognitive Dissonance, Demonization and Anti-tribalism in Software Development

The slides used in my talk are in this PDF file.

The video to the talk (if the slides are hard to see, please download them above to follow along). Also, it is recommended that you go to Vimeo to see the HD version of the talk:

Cognitive Dissonance, Demonization and Anti-tribalism in Software Development from Todd Anderson on Vimeo.

If you wish to comment, please comment on this blog post.

Further Reference

Cognitive Dissonance

Stanford Prison Experiment

Confirmation Bias

Richard Feynman

Carl Sagan

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